Kura Waenga

Year 3&4

Alison Elliott - Team Leader

I am a very passionate teacher who challenges, encourages and supports children to achieve their potential as they journey through school. and beyond.  

Encouraging participation and supporting participation in Sport  has been a huge part of mine and my whanau lives growing up from Kawerau JAB rugby, Rotorua Marathons, Hockey and Badminton .our whanau it is about finding a balance between academic opportunities and progress

 and being active.

I am every excited to be  working with the tamariki of Kawerau South School.

Sue Walker

My passion is the outdoors. I feel privileged to be able to share this love of the outdoors with all our students, building skills and knowledge of what Te Taiao can offer our tamariki. 

I love seeing the growth and development that occurs both socially and academically in our tamariki. 

“Whakamahia nga whai waahi pai ina tukuna ana". Take positive opportunities when they are offered.

Jessica Andrew

As a kaiako, I am passionate about our Localised Curriculum, Te Ao Māori and the Arts. I love learning about the rich pūrakau (stories) our Tūwharetoa iwi and Kawerau holds, and how we can use these pūrakau to engage our tamariki in all curriculum areas. While giving them a sense of belonging and connectedness. 

I strive hard to ensure I am continually finding new ways and skills to support our tamariki to learn. Manaakitanga, whakawhanaungatanga and arohatanga are all values I hold close. 

Kumea ki uta - Pull the tides to shore, strive for everything with great endeavour